This project allowed us to bring our herb business to public awareness and reach out beyond our community. It also allowed us the opportunity to reach out to the community about the natural resources most people have in their own yards (what most consider to be weeds). We were able to get enough interest in the event, herb walk, we Read more...
The Town of Town Creek is hoping to furnish vegetables to the community. The town is without a grocery store and this will be a huge benefit to the community. Read more...
Due to the generosity of the Alabama Mountains, Rivers and Valleys Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc.(AMRV RC&D), The SARTEC K-9 Search and Rescue Unit was able to procure a Mission Support Trailer that will assist SARTEC K-9 in dispatching and controlling our handlers and dogs while coordinating with the agencies that have requested our support. Before the AMRV RC&D Read more...
The items purchased that was stolen give us the ability to use a laptop computer in the field with internet capabilities in the event of severe weather or access unlimited information and data during emergency events. The availability of on time weather during severe weather events are of the utmost importance. Read more...
This project has made a difference to our community in several different ways. This project helped renovate our 20 acre lake that was used for community free fishing, for school group canoe rides, and the lake serves as the picturesque backdrop for all of our cross-country running events and our Native American Festival. By finishing this project, it has impacted Read more...
The Courtland heritage Museum is the focal point for all community events (ie , Picnic in the Park , Christmas Open House , Walk Alabama , etc) . The Museum also serves as an educational/history/geanology resource for Visitors…..both young & old ! We are presently helping Angela Godsey Reed from Apple Valley , California with her family search . We Read more...
This garden gives students an outdoor space for wildlife observation as well as a learning space outside the classroom. Building this garden afforded students the opportunity to learn about composting, amending soil, planting, wildlife habitat, and mulching. Installation was complete by the end of April and to date, garden has been utilized by the entire school for their Earth Day Read more...