Connecting Veterans to Farms for Therapeutic Activity
Through the creation of therapy farms, workshops, and a veteran farmer community, veterans from all over can join a farm to participate in gardening, farming, ranching, and many other activities.
At-Ease also offers mini-grants for veteran-owned farms to become therapy farms in order to get more veterans involved in outdoor therapy.

The Annual Veteran Farmers Conference in North Alabama
Annual event where veteran farmers from across the North Alabama area get together to network, learn about veteran farmer resources, and get trained in hands-on agricultural practices. Featuring programs on NRCS, FSA, and more, with special training in livestock management, fruit & vegetable production, beekeeping, and much more!
Series of Agricultural Practice Workshops for the Small Farm
Every year across North Alabama, we facilitate about ten small farmer workshops geared to train farmers in various agricultural practices including livestock management, chicken processing, financial planning, beekeeping, farmers market sales, and much more!
A Conference and Farm Tour Series for Women in Agriculture
Conference where women farmers and ranchers from across North Alabama get together to network, learn about women in ag farmer resources, and get trained in hands-on agricultural practices. Farm Tour Series will showcase a variety of women-owned & operated farms and ranches.
Currently in development; more info coming soon.