With this funding, we were able to create a learning area near the lake at Sportsman Lake Park. This included the installation of a fountain and an educational sign. The educational sign details the water cycle, while the other discusses the species and other various things in the lake. Read more...
FAWN (Forestry Awareness Week Now) reaches around 1200 6th graders in the county and teaches them the importance of our forest lands with lessons taught about forest products, forest management, tree id, soils, and forest wildlife. in presenting this program it enhances the minds of all students with the knowledge of wildlife and how important it is to us. It Read more...
The FAWN program reaches over 1000 students and teaches them the importance of our wildlife as well as teaching them the importance of our forestry and how it impacts our daily lives. Read more...
The water festival reaches over 1200 students and parents and teaches them the importance of how to protect and conserve our natural resource called water. Read more...
The project allowed for numerous invaluable documents of County and State history to be preserved for use by future generations. The method of electronic storage allowed for an additional 28,000 pages of documents to be stored than the original proposal. The documents will be easily accessible with no damage to the originals from excessive handling by the public therefore protecting Read more...
This project provided potable clean drinking water to two existing residences with app. 8 to 10 residents. it also gave access to potable drinking water to three more property owners that have the opportunity to develop numerous building sites for future growth. Read more...
By restoring the outdoor bathrooms more students can come and use the facility by staying outdoors and enjoying the educational boardwalks etc. Read more...