Jackson County
2019 Projects
Community Center Floor Repair
Flooring in the kitchen and bathrooms of the Bob Jones Community Center were repaired to provide safe flooring in a multi-use areas.
Emergency Generator
A generator was purchased and installed to supply auxiliary power in a Scottsboro community shelter to be used in the event of a large scale emergency that causes people to be displaced.
Sustainable Agriculture Youth Education
Information and activities were provided to educate youth on the importance and opportunities associated with sustainable farm animal agriculture at the Jackson County Fair.
2018 Projects
City of Bridgeport Sidewalk Project
New sidewalks have been put in so that Bridgeport Middle School students can walk home on a much safer route rather than having to walk along a narrow two-lane road.
Faces Of Agriculture Tour
The purpose of the "Faces of Agriculture" Tour is to highlight the importance and diversity of agriculture within Jackson County. The tour educates our elected officials, business persons and educators of the vital role ag plays to our local economy in hopes that they will in turn support our farmers and ag related business. Conserving our natural resources is a continued theme throughout the tour as we visit each stop.
Bridgeport Volunteer Fire Department Air Packs
The packs allow firefighters to fight fires easier and more efficiently since the tanks are smaller, lighter, more convenient to handle, and faster to change.
Wheelchair Ramps for Seniors and Disabled
This project provided forty-one wheelchair ramps for senior citizens and disabled persons in Jackson County.
Side by Side Vehicle for Rosalie Rescue Squad
Provision of a side by side vehicle to the Rosalie Rescue Squad, used to benefit the community and aid in disaster relief and first responder efforts.
City of Bridgeport Swimming Pool Repairs
City swimming pool repairs were made to improve safety including filling in the deep end to prevent injuries or potential drownings.
Turnout Gear for Dutton Fire Department
Provided up to date protection to our firemen. This allows our firefighters to perform their duties in a safe as possible manner.
Eagles Working for Wood Ducks
Eagles Working for Wood Ducks (EWWD) is a program that is constructing, erecting, monitoring, and maintaining wood duck nesting structures across the Pisgah community. By partnering with local farmers, land owners, and local park committees, we are insuring the increased wildlife viewing opportunities for our entire community.