This signage impacts our community and Delano Park in many ways. Most importantly, it educates every man, woman, and child who reads it about our environment, our local cultural history, and how we can be good stewards of our rich and bountiful biodiversity. DD COORDINATES 34.597 -86.975 DMS COORDINATES 34°35’49.20″ N -86°58’30.00″ W GEOHASH COORDINATES dn4huf4w UTM COORDINATES 16S 502292.41960362 Read more...
Funding provided from AMRV RC&D to support the construction of the new Decatur Dog Park has filled a recreational gap for residents and visitors of North Alabama. Before funding for this project was realized, no legal recreational opportunities existed for residents and visitors in the Decatur area to allow their pets off-leash in public areas. This was a major obstacle Read more...
Clothe Our Kids of North Alabama was able to provide for 2 staff members and expand into other organizations. We served over 700 students, moved into a new location, and added a staff to our team to be able to provide clothing, shoes, and hygiene kits for students in our community! This means over 700 children were provided with a Read more...
We were able to provide fresh vegetables to our community, needy families, and also teach our students about gardening, planting, and sustainable growth. We brought in different organizations to help us maintain the area, and it was a successful endeavor to also help some of our students who struggled behaviorally. They were able to work in the garden to calm Read more...
Birds play an important role in our lives, though people don’t often realize it. From eating insects to helping pollinate, they impact our food chain and bring joy to our lives. Explaining the importance of birds to humans and the impact our actions have on them provides a positive lesson in conservation. Showcasing the relationship of birds to water helps Read more...