This project provided 18 different students the opportunity to explore their natural environment and learn about various careers in environmental biology. Students came from six different cities from Alabama and Tennessee and developed friendships that would have otherwise not happened without the workshop. One student said, “this was a great experience for me. I finally got to meet new people Read more...
Hosting the herb walk and improving our website is allowing us to make the community aware of the benefits and beauty of what is growing in their own yards. These events help us to reach out to our community and others in such a way that it not only helps them to be more aware of what nature has available Read more...
Students from our local community taking Agriscience classes such as Intro to Metal Fab will now have the skills to enter the workforce with enough training to operate a larger CNC Plasma cutter similar to what we have purchased with the help of the RC&D. Read more...
This project has, and, will continue to teach youth and adults alike about the importance of environmental and wildlife stewardship. Youth learn responsible wildlife management practices and environmental stewardship concepts. Youth love the hands-on aspect of this program and will continue to enjoy and be able to share with their families what they have learned for years to come. Read more...