We were able to help teach folks about healthy eating habits and through crop drops and gleaning were able to put over 38,000 lbs of food into the local food banks and help fight hunger. (All fresh produce) Read more...
The seniors in the Fairview community and surrounding areas can begin receiving the nutrition they need on a daily basis through the Meals on Wheels program. In addition, the center will also be able to conduct a regular exercise program which will keep these elderly mobile. By keeping seniors of this community active, it gives them a better quality of Read more...
The FAWN program taught 6th graders how important our forest is to use and to our wildlife. Earth day teaches how important it is to take care of our earth for future generations. The teacher workshop is giving teachers valuable information and literature on getting agriculture back into the schools and how to take care of our natural resources. In Read more...
This project helped bring a once operational grist mill back to life. This now serves as an added tourist attraction and educational tool. Those visiting now will have the chance to experience the power of water, learn about simple machines, and see how corn is transformed into corn meal. Read more...
Repairing the erosion ditches made a big difference in the aesthetics and the environmental impact of the camp. In that the soil is not washing into the creeks now. Read more...
This project allowed us to meet the American Disabilities Act and made the surroundings much more accessible for those with physical limitations, such as walkers and wheelchairs. The total area has been leveled, filled in, paved, and designated parking for handicapped persons is now available. There is a concrete walk for them to travel on up to the concession stand/restroom Read more...